In Tokaido, you are a traveler in ancient Japan. You will follow the prestigious Tokaido-a road between Kyoto and Edo (Tokyo)-as you try to have a rich and fulfilling experience. Pass through magnificent countryside, taste delicious culinary specialties, purchase souvenirs, benefit from the virtues of hot springs, and have unforgettable encounters on your journey.
Tokaido features a time-track mechanism in which the active player is the traveler who is furthest behind on the path. When you are the active player, you can move your character as far forward as you'd like (with required stops at Inns), gaining different types of set-collection benefits at each unique location.
The Stonemaier Games version of Tokaido features the same gameplay, art, and compatibility with existing expansions. The biggest addition is a robust Automa solo mode, which is included both in the game and separately (for those who already own Tokaido). It features a number of other accessibility and quality-of-life updates.