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Magna Roma Board Game

Magna Roma Board Game

You are summoned by the Roman emperor to hear about his great plans for expansion. He wants you to found the next great Roman city and bring glory to the Roman Empire! Carefully plan your city and efficiently connect neighborhoods to gain valuable resources! Spend coins and employ population to build magnificent monuments! Use legions to conquer distant lands for the Emperor! Produce valuable luxuries to use for scoring points! Gain the Will of the Gods and use it to empower your city! Glory is within your grasp!

Build the greatest Roman cities and bring glory to Rome in this tile-placement. In Magna Roma, the objective is to make the most points at the end of the game by building your city efficiently! To do so, players take turns to place city tiles in their city. A newly placed tile must be connected to at least one of the previously placed tiles. When a player places a tile, the connection with the adjacent tiles will result in producing one or more resources for the player. For example, connecting two half-circles found on the tiles produces a coin, a rectangle and triangle produce population, a rectangle and half-circle produce a legion etc. What's more, if the connected shapes are of the same color, the game rewards the player with double the resources. With these resources, players will be able to play the other actions in the game, such as: build different monuments in your city, gain a Luxury Good, gain the Gods' Favor tiles, conquer new provinces for the Emperor all serving the same goal - to gain the most points at the end of the game and build the greatest Roman city that ever existed!

Magna Roma Board Game: Deluxe Edition

Magna Roma Board Game: Deluxe Edition

You are summoned by the Roman emperor to hear about his great plans for expansion. He wants you to found the next great Roman city and bring glory to the Roman Empire! Carefully plan your city and efficiently connect neighborhoods to gain valuable resources! Spend coins and employ population to build magnificent monuments! Use legions to conquer distant lands for the Emperor! Produce valuable luxuries to use for scoring points! Gain the Will of the Gods and use it to empower your city! Glory is within your grasp!

Build the greatest Roman cities and bring glory to Rome in this tile-placement. In Magna Roma, the objective is to make the most points at the end of the game by building your city efficiently! To do so, players take turns to place city tiles in their city. A newly placed tile must be connected to at least one of the previously placed tiles. When a player places a tile, the connection with the adjacent tiles will result in producing one or more resources for the player. For example, connecting two half-circles found on the tiles produces a coin, a rectangle and triangle produce population, a rectangle and half-circle produce a legion etc. What's more, if the connected shapes are of the same color, the game rewards the player with double the resources. With these resources, players will be able to play the other actions in the game, such as: build different monuments in your city, gain a Luxury Good, gain the Gods' Favor tiles, conquer new provinces for the Emperor all serving the same goal - to gain the most points at the end of the game and build the greatest Roman city that ever existed! The deluxe version features 12 beautiful Monument miniatures for enhanced game experience!

Magna Roma Board Game: Dominus Expansion

Magna Roma Board Game: Dominus Expansion

In the Dominus module, players will be fighting for control of the Europe and North African territories. To do this, players will be able to either use the military symbols combination or the prestige symbol combination. Players will do this until the end of the game, and the player with the majority of armies in a territory, will win the first place in that territory and score most for whatever the condition is in that territory. We should also note that this board replaces the military board in the base game.

In the Portus module, your neighborhoods will be able to craft goods which you can then export from your port! Once you think you have enough goods for export, you can simply turn over those goods to the supply and score prestige depending on what types of goods you have exported! Sometimes, some goods will cost you population, so you need to plan carefully for such occasion.

Small Star Empires Board Game: The Galactic Divide Expansion

Small Star Empires Board Game: The Galactic Divide Expansion

Build Battle Stations to gain power and use that power to play your civilization's unique abilities! After decades of colonization, the spacefaring races have finally come to the moment where even their own colonized space is not enough. Tensions are rising as each civilization tries to force its agenda upon the crowded galaxy and fortify its position. Will you accept planets into your Tollaran Republic to build a mighty galactic federation, conquer the galaxy under your Hantal'ar Empire, unite the planets under Ora'Nor, or buy the most powerful galactic corporations as the Pern Conglomerate?


  • 6 Civilization Boards
  • 12 Wooden Battle Stations
  • 4 Sector Tiles
  • 4 Unexplored Systems
  • 4 Player Power Markers
  • 8 Player Ability Markers