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Battle Dentale Card Game (Pre-Order)

Battle Dentale Card Game (Pre-Order)

Working as a monster in an evil wizard's dungeon isn't easy. It's dark, damp, and your boss has a habit of turning employees into frogs during annual performance reviews. But perhaps the worst thing is the boredom. Sure, it's exciting when the occasional hero stumbles past and you have a bit of a scuffle. However, most of the time you're just hanging about watching mould grow on the walls. Deep in the depths of Hoodez Dungeon, Toothache the Troll and Gumrot the Goblin became fed up of sitting around doing nothing. Borrowing the jaws of a nearby skeleton (asking politely first, of course) and some gems they found in a treasure chest, they invented a fun new game of teeth collecting which made the hours between battling adventurers just fly by.

In Battle Dentale, you play either Gumrot the Goblin or Toothache the Troll, competing to collect the best collection of teeth from a jawbone. Toothache favors the cleaner teeth because they're shiny, while Gumrot likes the decaying ones as the smell reminds them of their mum. Winning requires strategy, efficient decision-making, and sometimes evil moves to sabotage your opponent! To win, gather a more highly valued collection of teeth than the other player.

Ponzi Scheme Board Game (Pre-Order)

Ponzi Scheme Board Game (Pre-Order)

Based on the textbook example of financial scams, "Ponzi Scheme" is the term used to describe the technique Charles Ponzi employed in 1919 to operate one of the most notorious financial frauds in history. In the game Ponzi Scheme, players are scammers trying to trick investors into funding fraudulent investments with the promise of extremely high returns. You need elaborate trading skills to keep your operation afloat as long as possible, and as time goes on the dividends you need to pay every turn will only pile higher and higher! But when someone declares bankruptcy, the remaining fraudster who forged the biggest shell corporation wins the game! The goal of the game is simple: Don't be the first player to go bankrupt!

In more detail, on each turn, players must take one new Fund card from the Funding boards along with a corresponding Industry tile and cash as indicated on the card. You need to pay the "promised reward" of each Fund card in a number of rounds. After all players have taken their Fund cards, they may choose to initiate an "inside trade" with one other player in order to buy the Industry you want with a price they can't refuse, or sell your own Industry to them with a good price. At the end of the round, players rotate their Time Wheel 1 or 2 spaces, and pay the "promised reward" to the bank if any Fund card is due. The game continues until at least one player cannot pay the "promised reward" due and goes bankrupt. That player is out of the game, and the remaining player who has the most VP on their Industry wins.

Sumo Card Game (Pre-Order)

Sumo Card Game (Pre-Order)

In SUMO, you try to use card play to push your opponent from the game.

To set up, place the sumo wrestlers card in the center of the sumo ring. (The sumo ring has only three positions: left, center, and right.) One player sits on the left of the ring, the other on the right. Deal each player a hand of eight cards from a deck that contains 20 cards: 1-5 in four suits. Each player plays and reveals a card, with the high card playing first in the first trick; if the cards are tied, repeat this action until one player wins or all eight cards have been revealed, in which case you shuffle and re-deal. The first player plays a card, then the other player must follow suit, if possible. If the second player is off suit, the first player wins; if not, whoever played the higher card wins. In either case, the winner pushes the sumo wrestlers card away from them, then leads to the next trick. If the sumo wrestlers are ever pushed out of the ring, the pusher wins the game. If this doesn't happen, the winner of the final trick wins the game. However, a player can win earlier through one of three "sumo moves": Abise-taoshi: Crushing the opponent with your weight, which in game terms means playing a 4 in the same color after a lead 1. Hikiotoshi: Using the opponent's momentum to knock them down, which in game terms means playing a 1 in the same color after a lead 5. Wucchari: Throwing your opponent out of the ring, which happens should you play an off-color 2 when the sumo wrestlers card is on the edge of the ring near you.

Termite Towers Board Game

Termite Towers Board Game

Termite Towers is the next insect-forward offering in the line after Waggle Dance. Termite Towers brings players into the world of the efficient and dedicated termites, building on the mechanics of Waggle Dance.

Players compete to complete their section of the mound first, gathering the necessary resources from the wood pile, whilst hatching new termites and training up soldiers that can help you secure the best spots.

With the wood you have gathered, you use the polyomino plan cards to construct your tower, the winner is the first player to build the required number of rows (5 for a shorter game, 7 for a longer game).

Much like its predecessor, you can also call on the help of the Queen to help you, or hinder your opponents.

The Plot Thickens Card Game: Adventure Edition

The Plot Thickens Card Game: Adventure Edition

The Plot Thickens is a storytelling game for quick-thinking, imaginative folks just like you and your friends. The object is to take your hand of story cards, (people, places and things) and lay out the tale of your character, and their fate! You'll earn plot points for every card you use to build your story, and every time you interweave with other's narratives.

The storyteller with the most points gets to craft the ending as main character, while the person who connected the most to their cards gets to name the epic as the Author. What will your story be?

In the Adventure edition you'll explore unchartered territories, interact with the wildlife and try to claim hidden treasures!

The different genres of The Plot Thickens can be combined to increase the player count and give you more story options.

The Plot Thickens Card Game: Detective Edition

The Plot Thickens Card Game: Detective Edition

The Plot Thickens is a storytelling game for quick-thinking, imaginative folks just like you and your friends. The object is to take your hand of story cards, (people, places and things) and lay out the tale of your character, and their fate! You'll earn plot points for every card you use to build your story, and every time you interweave with other's narratives. The storyteller with the most points gets to craft the ending as main character, while the person who connected the most to their cards gets to name the epic as the Author. What will your story be? The different genres of The Plot Thickens can be combined to increase the player count and give you more story options.

Tokkuri Taking Card Game (Pre-Order)

Tokkuri Taking Card Game (Pre-Order)

Tokkuri Taking is a game in which you will use the cards in your hands as either tokkuris, a traditional sake drinking vessel, or to drain some of the sake from the tokkuris on the table.

On your turn, either play a card face down as a tokkuri, or face up. If you play it face up, you must lower the sake level in tokkuri on the table corresponding to the number(s) on the card you played. A round ends once all players have played all of the cards in their hands. Players will earn positive points for tokkuri they emptied and lose points for those in front of themselves that have too much still in them. The player with the lowest score then takes points equal to the difference between their score and each other player's score - from the other players!