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Aliens Board Game: Alien Queen Expansion

Aliens Board Game: Alien Queen Expansion

The Aliens: Alien Queen (2023) is perfect for painters and collectors, or to enhance your table-top roleplaying experience. Includes one plastic sprue and instruction sheet to build: Alien Queen.

Aliens Board Game: Another Glorious Day In The Corps (2023 Edition)

Aliens Board Game: Another Glorious Day In The Corps (2023 Edition)

Listen up, Marines! Here's the situation. The terraforming colony on exomoon LV-426, Hadley's Hope, has unexpectedly broken contact. Weyland-Yutani Corporation, in conjunction with the Colonial Marines, is sending you to the binary system of Zeta Reticuli to find out what happened... Lead a fireteam of Marines through the colonists base at Hadley's Hope, searching for survivors and tackling the Xenomorph threat, whilst trying to figure out how to evacuate from LV-426.


  • 7 Hard Plastic Characters
  • 45 Motion Tracker Cards
  • 1 Rulebook
  • 8 Dials
  • 16x Multi-pose Hard Plastic Aliens
  • 60 Endurance Cards
  • 1 Card Dock
  • 84 Tokens
  • 4 Double-Sided Game Boards
  • 7 Character Cards
  • 9 Mission Cards
  • 3 Dice
  • Aliens Board Game: Five By Five Expansion

    Aliens Board Game: Five By Five Expansion

    The Aliens: We're In the Pipe, Five By Five expansion brings the Sulaco's dropship crew to Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps Cooperative Survival Game. 'Fly the friendly skies' as you fight off alien stowaways while attempting to rescue the survivors of the disaster in the air processing plant. On the ground, the two crew members provide technical support for your Marines in Campaign missions and Bug Hunts, along with new Pilot and Quartermaster Experience tracks.

    Meanwhile, the Marines discover four new Alien variants. The Brute, Guard, Scout, and Skulker, add a new dimension to the Xenomorph hives urge to absorb the occupants of Hadley's Hope. This expansion is not a standalone game. It needs a copy of Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps and Aliens: Get Away From Her You B***h! expansion to use this expansion.


  • 6x Hard Plastic Characters
  • 1x Rulebook
  • 2x Character Cards
  • 9x Hivemind Cards
  • 16x Experience Cards
  • 20x Tokens
  • 2x Mission Cards
  • Aliens Board Game: Get Away From Her Expansion

    Aliens Board Game: Get Away From Her Expansion

    Aliens: Get Away From Her, You B***h! expands the Campaign to five expanded Missions and adds five new Bug Hunt Missions, two of which feature the Alien Queen. It also allows one player to play as the Alien Hive, giving you another way to play Campaign and Bug Hunt Missions. This expansion is not a stand alone game. You will need copy of the Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps to use this expansion.


  • 5x Hard Plastic Miniatures
  • 6x Hive Hazard Cards
  • 2x Character Cards
  • 11x Mission Cards
  • 4x Double-Sided Game Boards
  • 25x Motion Tracker Cards
  • 1x Card Dock
  • 63x Tokens
  • 31x Willpower Cards
  • 25x Endurance Cards
  • 1x Rulebook
  • 3x Dials
  • Aliens Board Game: Heroes Of Hadley's Hope Expansion

    Aliens Board Game: Heroes Of Hadley's Hope Expansion

    This expansion provides new options for fighting the Xenomorph menace, adding even more badass Characters to the Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps Cooperative Survival Game. These reinforcements will help your Fire Team progress through the Campaign missions, or provide options for the Bug Hunts. As your heroes investigate the threat on LV-426, they'll gain experience and hone their skills.

    Aliens Board Game: Sulaco Survivors Expansion

    Aliens Board Game: Sulaco Survivors Expansion

    This expansion provides new options for fighting the Xenomorph menace, adding even more badass Characters to the Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps Cooperative Survival Game. These reinforcements will help your Fire Team progress through the Campaign missions, or provide options for the Bug Hunts. As your heroes investigate the threat on LV-426, they'll gain experience and hone their skills.

    Aliens Board Game: Ultimate Badasses Expansion

    Aliens Board Game: Ultimate Badasses Expansion

    Thank whatever gods you pray to! Reinforcements have arrived! This is no time to slack off, though. Even though there are more of us, there are still more of them. Our goal is to find out what happened here and get out. No lollygagging and no wandering off. Now get to your assigned patrols. Aliens: Ultimate Badasses Expansion adds more characters for you to field, as well as Experience cards that add more depth to your Characters. This expansion is not a stand alone game. You need a copy of Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps to use this expansion.


  • 6x Hard Plastic Characters
  • 1x Rulebook
  • 6x Character Cards
  • 4x Dice
  • 64x Experience Cards
  • Arrakis Board Game: Dawn Of The Fremen

    Arrakis Board Game: Dawn Of The Fremen

    Arrakis : Dawn of the Fremen is the third Dune game from the creators of the legendary original 1979 & 2019 Dune: A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal, and recent hit, Dune: A Game of Conquest & Diplomacy once again bringing their passion and immersion for the world created by Frank Herbert to your tabletop.

    Arrakis : Dawn of the Fremen is the brutal, cutthroat game about tribal control of Arrakis, long before the events of the novel Dune. Each player controls a tribe of Fremen warriors, struggling to gather the scarce resources of Arrakis, developing the weapons and sietches they'll need to survive, and harnessing the power of sandworms for battle.

    Will your tribe prevail, or will you vanish into the desert?

    Doctor Who Board Game: Don't Blink

    Doctor Who Board Game: Don't Blink

    The TARDIS has crashed on a derelict spaceship full of Weeping Angels: terrifying killers that can be stopped only by staring at them. But if you dare to stop looking- if you even blink- they'll send you out of time. Will the Doctor and companions be able to get all the pieces to repair the TARDIS in time? Or will the Weeping Angels succeed when so many adversaries have failed before?

    Doctor Who: Don't Blink is a challenging tactical board game in which up to four players control the Doctor and his companions Amy, Rory and Clara, with them attempting to collect four parts to repair the TARDIS and escape. One player takes on the role of the terrifying Weeping Angels and attempts to outmaneuver and capture them!

    Doctor Who Board Game: Nemesis

    Doctor Who Board Game: Nemesis

    It's not easy trying to rule space and time, contending with rival Daleks and Cybermen, interfering Time Lords, and predatory Weeping Angels. There are worlds to move, realities to destroy, time wars to win, a cyberium to find and Gallifrey itself for that matter too, paradoxes and the endless schemes of the Doctor and the Master to unravel.

    In Doctor Who: Nemesis, you play one of the Doctor's many adversaries seeking to twist space and time to your own ends. Your old nemesis, the Doctor, endlessly seeks to thwart your plans. Worse still, his other adversaries have their own schemes, and they don't involve you controlling everything. You must send your minions out to thwart both the Doctor's and your opponents' schemes, while bringing your own schemes to fruition.

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: 13th Doctor Core Set

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: 13th Doctor Core Set

    Have you ever wanted to be the Doctor, travelling through time and space, meeting companions and having adventures? Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks is a semi-cooperative board game in which you become one of four regenerations of the Doctor, travelling through time and space to stop the Daleks from erasing the Doctor from time and taking over the universe. The core game reprint will include the Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker.

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Mickey Rose Martha and Donna Friends Expansion

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Mickey Rose Martha and Donna Friends Expansion

    With this expansion you can now add more ways for the Doctor's companions to help the Doctor, although you must be wary. The Daleks have their puppets and spies everywhere, so you might not always like the friend you draw.

    This game expansion adds 4 new Friend models, and the Friends deck to Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks, along with the new Friends game mechanic.

    Contents: 1 Rules Sheet, 4 Plastic Models, 20 Friend cards, 5 Timey-wimey cards.

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Second Doctor And Sixth Doctor Expansion

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Second Doctor And Sixth Doctor Expansion

    This expansion allows a player to add and play the Second and Sixth Doctors to the base game of "Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks". Each of these Doctors come with their own set of cards, figures, dilemmas and locations which can be added to the core game. In addition this expansion also allows an additional two players to the core game increasing the player count from four to six.

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Third Doctor And Thirteenth Doctor Expansion

    Doctor Who: Time Of The Daleks Board Game: Third Doctor And Thirteenth Doctor Expansion

    Travel through space and time as the Third Doctor or Thirteenth Doctor, meeting new companions, visiting iconic locations, and encountering classic villains.

    This Game Expansion adds two more Doctors to Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks, and allows you to play 5 - 6 player games.

    Contains: 1 Rules sheet, 4 Plastic models, 2 TARDIS Consoles, 6 Location tiles, 11 Dilemma tiles, 3 Time Anomaly cards, 13 Character cards, 12 Timey-Wimey cards.

    Also included: Eight Doctor mode, Eight Doctor Tardis Console.

    Dune Betrayal Board Game

    Dune Betrayal Board Game

    Are you loyal to the noble House Atreides or a secret agent for the treacherous House Harkonnen?

    In this game of tactics and deception you are secret agents amid the sands of Dune.

    Your goal is to learn the identities of your foes while protecting your nobles. Enact the aid of strange new tools and allies to gain power and knowledge.

    Be clever, practical, and convincing! Hide your true nature while learning theirs.

    In the final rounds of battle, you must trust your gut. Whose back will you choose to defend and whose will you stab? The fate of Dune will come down to you.

    Let the adventure unfold in the new classic social deduction game Dune: Betrayal.

    Dune Board Game

    Dune Board Game

    Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe.

    Imagine you can rewrite the script for one of the most famous science fiction books of all time. Welcome to the acclaimed 40-year-old board game which allows you to recreate the incredible world of Frank Herbert?s DUNE.

    In DUNE you will become the leader of one of six great factions. Each wishes to control the most valuable resource in the universe - melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet DUNE. As Duke Leto Atreides says ?All fades before melange. A handful of spice will buy a home on Tupile. It cannot be manufactured, it must be mined on Arrakis. It is unique and it has true geriatric properties.? And without melange space travel would be impossible. Only by ingesting the addictive drug can the Guild Steersman continue to experience visions of the future, enabling them to plot a safe path through hyperspace.

    Who will control DUNE? Become one of the characters and their forces from the book and . . . You decide!

    The art has been updated and minor rule changes have been implemented to streamline gameplay.

    Dune Board Game: CHOAM And Richese House Expansion

    Dune Board Game: CHOAM And Richese House Expansion

    The Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles or CHOAM controlled much of the economic affairs across the cosmos, and had a keen interest in Arrakis above and beyond spice production. Because of its control of inter-planetary commerce, CHOAM was the largest single source of wealth in the Imperium. Influence in CHOAM was a major focus of political maneuvering in the Imperium, both to maximize dividends and also to skim profits. The leaders and bureaucrats of CHOAM were dedicated to controlling vital products that enriched the Great Houses . . . and CHOAM itself.

    House Richese, just like the Ixians, had a well-earned reputation for ingenuity, and created important technological inventions. But Count Ilban Richese suffered a number of business blunders that threatened to bankrupt their fortunes. After being ousted from governing Arrakis, they were reduced to selling off important creations simply to raise enough funds to continue their efforts to compete.

    This expansion also introduces Leader Skills, which let you assign a skill like Mentat, Swordmaster of Ginaz, or Prana Bindu Adept to one of your leader discs. It also included Advanced Stronghold Cards, which give you a "homefield advantage" when battling in a stronghold you control.

    Dune Board Game: Ecaz And Moritani House Expansion

    Dune Board Game: Ecaz And Moritani House Expansion

    This expansion adds House Ecaz and House Moritani, to DUNE: A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal as well as new mechanics!

    House Ecaz is ruled by Archduke Armand Ecaz, who is well respected in the Landsraad and keen to strengthen his standing by forging lasting alliances. House Moritani is led by the ruthless and cunning Viscount Hundro Moritani, and the Moritanis do not hesitate to use terror tactics to conquer their enemies, resorting to assassination, sneak attacks, and sabotage!

    New Game Mechanics.

  • Homeworlds allow you to conduct raids on the homeworlds of other factions and destroy their spice stockpiles.
  • Nexus Cards provide players with incentives and special effects for not joining an alliance.
  • Discovery Tokens add new elements to the game on sections of the board that are often bypassed and don't see much action.
  • Dune Board Game: Ixians And Tleilaxu House Expansion

    Dune Board Game: Ixians And Tleilaxu House Expansion

    This expansion adds two new houses, the Ixians and the Tleilaxu, to the Dune boardgame.

    Tleilaxu: Led by a small council of Tleilaxu Masters ? the fanatic, xenophobic Tleilaxu were tolerated because of their useful genetic engineering superiority. Although underestimated and loathed by others, they hoped to someday dominate all.

    Ixian: The cyborg, Prince Rhombur of House Vernius, leads the Ixians, masters of manufacturing and technologies only they know how to deploy.

    Both the Ixians and the Tleilaxu are integral to the economy of CHOAM and the Imperium. The royal family of Ix had once been one of the wealthiest in the Imperium. Because of a successful invasion of Ix by the Tleilaxu and the Emperor?s Sardaukar, and then, after many years, the liberation of Ix by Ixian and Atreides forces, the Ixians and the Tleilaxu are mortal enemies.

    This expansion also introduces new game mechanics to help you gain advantages over your rivals.

    Dune: A Game Of Conquest And Diplomacy Board Game

    Dune: A Game Of Conquest And Diplomacy Board Game

    Take part in one of the most famous science fiction stories of all time! Take control of one of the four great factions - House Atreides, House Harkonnen, the Fremen, and the Imperium. Vie to control the most valuable resource in the universe, melange, the mysterious spice only found at great cost on the planet Dune. Ship your forces to Dune, harvest spice, seize control of strongholds, and destroy your enemies.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Epic Monster Cards

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Epic Monster Cards

    The perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage EPIC fights with legendary monsters.

    These 77 durable, double-sized, laminated cards represent every legendary monster found in the D&D Monster Manual, Volo?s Guide to Monsters, and Mordenkainen?s Tome of Foes. From a lich's armor class to unicorn's horn attack, monster cards let DMs select, organize, and access the information they need to help keep encounters running smoothly, without flipping through the books.

  • Up-to-date game statistics provided on one side, and evocative art on the other helps to bring battles to life without revealing the monster's rules text
  • An evergreen accessory useful for all fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons tabletop gameplay
  • An invaluable resource for EVERY Dungeon Master
  • Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Martial Powers And Races Spell Deck (Revised)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Martial Powers And Races Spell Deck (Revised)

    This deck contains 61 cards, including spell-like racial abilities (including race from Volo?s Guide to Monsters), spell-like Barbarian abilities, Fighter maneuvers, and spell-like Monk abilities.

    These Dungeons & Dragons Spellbook Cards are consolidated and repackaged. They in no way invalidate older printings of these cards, but they offer the same content in consistent packaging and more efficient purchases. Consult these decks when selecting new spells to learn, spells to prepare, and abilities for your character. Each deck is made from thick, laminated card, so they will stand the test of time and are safe to use with dry-erase markers. Spell and ability names and important info are easy to find for quick reference. Descriptive/mechanical text is written in full wherever possible. When it isn?t, a rule book and page reference is given. Scaling spells have additional sections with details on how they improve. Card backs prominently display spell levels for easy sorting.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monk Token Set (Player Board And 22 Tokens)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monk Token Set (Player Board And 22 Tokens)

    This Monk token set is designed to allow you to easily and quickly track your character's status effects. If your character is frightened, paralyzed or unconscious, your allies will be able to see at a glance that you are in need of help. Because all of the full-colour tokens are made of durable perspex they are wet-erasable, so you can write additional information straight onto them.

    The combat tile provides a place for you to keep a running total of constantly changing statistics like character health and resources, all without dirtying your character sheet with eraser marks. Presented in a unique class tin, with space to add your character's name.

    Set Contains: 1 MonkCombat Tile 23 Monk Tokens

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monster Deck: Challenge 6-16

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Monster Deck: Challenge 6-16

    This set contains 74 durable, laminated cards for a range of deadly monsters of challenge rating 6?16. With game statistics on one side and evocative art on the other, they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Mordenkainen's Tomb Of Foes Monster Deck

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Mordenkainen's Tomb Of Foes Monster Deck

    Monster Cards: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes contains 109 durable, laminated cards for a range of rare and deadly monsters. With games statistics on one side and evocative art on the other they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Sorceror Token Set (Player Board And 22 Tokens)

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Sorceror Token Set (Player Board And 22 Tokens)

    This Sorcerer token set is designed to allow you to easily and quickly track your character's status effects. If your character is frightened, paralyzed or unconscious, your allies will be able to see at a glance that you are in need of help. Because all of the full-colour tokens are made of durable perspex they are wet-erasable, so you can write additional information straight onto them.

    The combat tile provides a place for you to keep a running total of constantly changing statistics like character health and resources, all without dirtying your character sheet with eraser marks. Presented in a unique class tin, with space to add your character's name.

    Set Contains: 1 Sorcerer Combat Tile 22 Sorcerer Tokens

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Volo's Guide To Monsters Deck

    Dungeons And Dragons RPG: Volo's Guide To Monsters Deck

    Monster Cards: Volo's Guide to Monsters contains 81 durable, laminated cards for a range of rare and deadly monsters. With games statistics on one side and evocative art on the other they are the perfect tool to help Dungeon Masters manage and reference their menagerie during play.

    Enola Holmes Board Game: Finder Of Lost Souls

    Enola Holmes Board Game: Finder Of Lost Souls

    Enola Holmes: Finder of Lost Souls is an all-against-one cooperative family game for 2-4 players. One player is the Criminal, hatching a sinister plan to abduct their victim, leaving puzzling clues in their wake. The other players are the Detectives, working together to solves these puzzles and reveal clues. If they solves enough puzzles and use careful deduction, they can deduce the crime and stop the criminal. Detectives have 4 turns to gather these clues, make their deductions and declare the crime. If they do so within these 4 turns, the criminal is caught, and the detectives win. The combination of clues, and crime will change with each game.

    Firefly Board Game: UK Edition

    Firefly Board Game: UK Edition

    In Firefly: The Game, players captain their own Firefly-class transport ship, traveling the ?Verse with a handpicked crew of fighters, mechanics and other travelers. As a captain desperate for work, players are compelled to take on any job -- so long as it pays. Double-dealing employers, heavy-handed Alliance patrols and marauding Reavers are all in a day?s work for a ship?s captain at the edge of the ?Verse.


  • 5 Ship Cards
  • 6 Story Cards
  • 381 Game Cards
  • 150 Game Money
  • 167 Tokens
  • 2 Dice
  • 7 Plastic Ships
  • Game Board
  • Rules
  • Firefly Misbehavin' Card Game

    Firefly Misbehavin' Card Game

    Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back! In Firefly: Misbehavin', players get to control different factions of the Firefly 'Verse, from the criminal enterprises of Badger or Niska, to the self-righteous Alliance, and even Serenity as Mal attempts to find a crew and keep flyin'. This deckbuilding card game gives each player a unique starting deck of cards, and access to characters, items, and locations in the Core, Border, and Rim. Compete to control your own corner of the 'Verse, or play through different Episodes with a wide variety of objectives.

    Level 20 Card Game

    Level 20 Card Game

    Here you are, minding your own business with some of your best friends, enjoying the leftover scraps buried in the filth of your cave, when you hear a human curse as they knock some rocks free. Hopeful that this newcomer will mean an opportunity for new delicacies, you creep over to the entrance of the cave. And then you hear the most terrifying words you've ever heard. Words spoken of in legend. You thought they were just a myth to scare young kobolds into obedience.

    In Pathfinder: Level 20, the players take on the role of kobolds in their den, scampering away from a fighter who only needs five XP to hit level 20. Your goal is to not be the kobold at the end of the fighter's sword!

    Pirates Of Skydock Board Game

    Pirates Of Skydock Board Game

    You've got your crew, know the right folks, and even have a line on a potential financial backer who might grease the right palms to set you on the path to becoming a top-rate pirate. You're just missing one thing: a ship. Lucky for you, you happen to know there's a top-of-the-line vessel with all the newest tech sitting in dock just waiting for an enterprising individual to take it out among the stars. Of course, if you know that, others do, too, and there can be only one captain. Will you become the newest pirate to set sail among the stars?

    In Starfinder: Pirates of Skydock, players compete to be the one to successfully pull of one of the greatest heists of all time. Players take turns moving around the ship to complete objectives and gain the support they need to be recognized as the new captain. Over the course of the game, players build their characters to suit their style of play. When the ship launches, one of the players will emerge victorious- provided the ship doesn't go into lockdown first!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game

    Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy ? a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire ? you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization. Will you journey for peace and exploration, or will you travel the path of conquest and exploitation? Command starships, establish space lanes, construct starbases, and bring other systems under your banner. With more than 200 plastic miniatures and 30 star systems representing some of the Star Trek galaxy's most notable planets and locations, Star Trek: Ascendancy puts the fate of the galaxy in your hands.

    The great unknown lies before you; with every turn is a new adventure as your ships explore new space systems, encounter new life forms and new civilizations, make wondrous discoveries, and face challenging obstacles, all drawn from the vast fifty year history of Star Trek. Will you brave the hazards of Rura Penthe to harvest vital resources, race to develop Sherman's Planet before your rivals stake their claim, or explore the mysteries of the Mutara Nebula on an ever-growing, adaptive map of the galaxy. With an infinite combination of planets and interstellar phenomena, no two games of Star Trek: Ascendancy will ever play the same!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Starbases

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Andorian Starbases

    Starbase sets are high-detail model kits which replace the flat Starbase token with a 3D game piece. Each set contains three Starbase models, some sets require assembly.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Borg Assimilation Expansion

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Borg Assimilation Expansion

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Borg Playmat

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Borg Playmat

    This is a limited version the Star Trek Ascendency playmat; the galactic game surface has been assimilated by the Borg, and features Borg accents along the game edges as well as a central green star to mark the position of the Borg Transwarp Hub System Disc.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Breen Confederacy Expansion

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Breen Confederacy Expansion

    Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing.

    Expansion for Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game, including everything you need to add the Breen and another player to your games of Star Trek Ascendancy.

    Discover new star systems, encounter new Exploration Cards, plus more Space Lanes and Resource Nodes.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Breen Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Breen Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek: Ascendancy with custom dice! This pack contains 10 dice representing The Breen.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Cardassian Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Cardassian Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Cardassian Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Cardassian Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Dominion And Breen Starbase Expansion

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Dominion And Breen Starbase Expansion

    Upgrade your game with handmade resin space stations, each design unique to its civilsation. This pack contains three Dominion & Breen Starbases.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Dominion Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Dominion Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek: Ascendancy with custom dice! This pack contains 10 dice representing The Dominion.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Federation Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Federation Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Federation Starbases

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Federation Starbases

    Starbase sets are high-detail model kits which replace the flat Starbase token with a 3D game piece. There are five styles available, one set each for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and Cardassians. Each set contains three Starbase models, some sets require assembly.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Starbases

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Ferengi Starbases

    Starbase sets are high-detail model kits which replace the flat Starbase token with a 3D game piece. There are five styles available, one set each for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and Cardassians. Each set contains three Starbase models, some sets require assembly.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Klingon Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Klingon Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Klingon Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Klingon Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Playmat

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Playmat

    Star Trek: Ascendancy uses an expandable map allowing the game to be played on any size or shape of table. Before the game begins, players must agree on how much of the table is usable, establishing the boundaries of their galaxy and determine the starting locations of their Home Systems.

    The Star Trek: Ascendancy Play Mat takes all the guess work out of your galaxy building. This beautiful 3? x 3? game surface depicts the spiral arms of the galaxy which encompasses both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, home to the game?s great civilizations. While providing an obvious border for your game map, the mat also indicates where you should place your Home System in both a three- and a four-player game. The mat is perfect for an evening of exploration and expansion.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Escalation Pack

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Escalation Pack

    Escalate your Game! Build more Starships! Control more Planets! Each pack contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes. When using Escalation Packs make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.

    Note that this is an expansion, you also need the base game!

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Starbases

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Romulan Starbases

    Starbase sets are high-detail model kits which replace the flat Starbase token with a 3D game piece. There are five styles available, one set each for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi and Cardassians. Each set contains three Starbase models, some sets require assembly.

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Vulcan Dice

    Star Trek Ascendancy Board Game: Vulcan Dice

    Upgrade your game of Star Trek Ascendancy with custom dice! Each pack includes dice matching the colours of each civilisation, with the '6' face displaying the race's emblem.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Battle Of Wolf 359 Core Set

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Battle Of Wolf 359 Core Set

    In Star Trek: Away Missions, players will lead their own landing parties to complete missions, conduct espionage, fight in glorious battle, or assimilate distinctiveness.

    The objective is to score points by completing missions over the three rounds. Each completed mission earns you points.

    Score the most points to win the game!

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Captain Kirk Away Team

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Captain Kirk Away Team

    Kirk?s five-year mission is to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before!

    This expansion is ready to play straight out of the box and comes with pre-designed card decks that make the most of the characters abilities. Alternatively, you can mix cards and mission specialists from other away teams to customise your decks and add even more variety.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Captain Picard Federation Expansion

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Captain Picard Federation Expansion

    Picard returns to the site of the Battle of Wolf 359 to establish peace between the squabbling factions and restore the primacy of the Federation in interstellar matters.

    This expansion is ready to play straight out of the box and comes with pre-designed card decks that make the most of the characters abilities. Alternatively you can mix cards and mission specialists from other away teams to customise your decks and add even more variety.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Commander Scotty Away Team

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Commander Scotty Away Team

    As the U.S.S. Enterprise?s chief engineer, Scotty and his team work away behind the scenes keeping everything running, even in the middle of a crisis or alien attack.

    This expansion is ready to play straight out of the box and comes with pre-designed card decks that make the most of the characters abilities. Alternatively, you can mix cards and mission specialists from other away teams to customise your decks and add even more variety.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Gowrons Honor Guard Expansion

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Gowrons Honor Guard Expansion

    Klingons are warriors trained from birth to fight. They are deadly and tough, and their weapons are brutal.Few others can stand up to a Klingon in a one-on-one fight.

    As a Klingon player, you can?t go wrong by simply getting up close and personal with the enemy. Seek out honor and the death of your foes!

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: House Of Duras Klingon Expansion

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: House Of Duras Klingon Expansion

    The Duras Sisters take the remains of their house to Wolf 359 in the hope of finding plunder to finance their return to Klingon politics and to redeem their honor - by any means necessary.

    This expansion is ready to play straight out of the box and comes with pre-designed card decks that make the most of the characters abilities. Alternatively you can mix cards and mission specialists from other away teams to customise your decks and add even more variety.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Klingon Dice Set

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Klingon Dice Set

    This set of 6 Klingon themed dice is designed for Star Trek: Away Missions.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Romulan Dice Set

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Romulan Dice Set

    This set of 6 Romulan themed dice is designed for Star Trek: Away Missions.

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Sela's Infiltrators Expansion

    Star Trek Away Missions Board Game: Sela's Infiltrators Expansion

    The Romulans are always after more Intel on their foes, learning their strengths and weaknesses and how to defeat them. While doing so they will be running plots within plots, planning assassinations and devious stratagems to derail their opponents plans. Romulans avoid conflict until they have a decisive advantage, then make a well-directed surgical strike.

    Tenfold Dungeon: Dungeons And Sewers

    Tenfold Dungeon: Dungeons And Sewers

    Tenfold Dungeon, the fully immersive, out of the box 3D terrain for your RPGs and dungeon crawling games!

    With amazingly detailed art printed in every box, and 1" x 1" grids discreetly layered into the environment, Tenfold Dungeons provides a high-quality, atmospheric play space for all your tabletop needs. Along with it?s compact, lightweight design, it?s never been easier to take your high-octane adventures with you, wherever you go.

    Something is stirring in the sewers under Malrenburg. For weeks now, residents of the town have been troubled by bizarre dreams of a roaring call from the sewers beneath, leaving the people exhausted and frightened?

  • Includes 5e adventure : The Bellow Below
  • Tenfold Dungeon: The Castle

    Tenfold Dungeon: The Castle

    Tenfold Dungeon, the fully immersive, out of the box 3D terrain for your RPGs and dungeon crawling games!

    With amazingly detailed art printed in every box, and 1" x 1" grids discreetly layered into the environment, Tenfold Dungeons provides a high-quality, atmospheric play space for all your tabletop needs. Along with it?s compact, lightweight design, it?s never been easier to take your high-octane adventures with you, wherever you go.

    At the top of a cliff stands a keep. It is a dark, lonely place that the sun shines weakly upon and whose stones seem to swallow up the moonlight when night falls. As the sun sets, from the castle?s empty halls echoes forth a terrible and irresistible song, the song of the siren Vaedra, hunting for more prey to feed her voracious appetite for minds.

  • Includes 5e adventure : Vaedra?s Lair
  • Tenfold Dungeon: The Temple

    Tenfold Dungeon: The Temple

    Tenfold Dungeon, the fully immersive, out of the box 3D terrain for your RPGs and dungeon crawling games!

    With amazingly detailed art printed in every box, and 1" x 1" grids discreetly layered into the environment, Tenfold Dungeons provides a high-quality, atmospheric play space for all your tabletop needs. Along with it?s compact, lightweight design, it?s never been easier to take your high-octane adventures with you, wherever you go.

    Partway up Erodan Mountain stands the temple of a secret order, dedicated to an ancient serpent goddess. Although clandestine in nature, the priests and priestesses of this temple were many, for they guarded jealously a precious artifact that once belonged to the goddess they served. In recent years, this order has perished, for a mysterious plight has befallen its members, and those who dare to enter are never seen again, lost amidst a hail of shrieking voices and a thunder of iron.

  • Includes 5e adventure : The Serpent?s Stone
  • Tenfold Dungeon: The Town

    Tenfold Dungeon: The Town

    Tenfold Dungeon, the fully immersive, out of the box 3D terrain for your RPGs and dungeon crawling games!

    With amazingly detailed art printed in every box, and 1" x 1" grids discreetly layered into the environment, Tenfold Dungeons provides a high-quality, atmospheric play space for all your tabletop needs. Along with it?s compact, lightweight design, it?s never been easier to take your high-octane adventures with you, wherever you go.

    The town of Holdthorpe is not what it used to be. Ever since the arrival of a band of brothers known as The Five Rings, the entire town has been veiled in a grey haze which keeps visitors from ever leaving. Robbed of it?s former splendour, Holdthorpe has become a home to bandits, vagabonds and lowlifes drawn to the arcane artifact that the Five Rings hold in their possession.

  • Includes 5e adventure : Gang of Thieves
  • Tusk Board Game: Surviving The Ice Age

    Tusk Board Game: Surviving The Ice Age

    It's a race against time as the Ice Age approaches! You will need strength and food to survive and lots of it. The mammoth offers your tribes food beyond your wildest dreams, but they are powerful beasts. You and your fellow players will need to team up to hunt successfully... But there can only be one master of the hunt and, to ensure that's you and your tribe, you'll need to manipulate alliances, horde supplies, and make use of the land's many resources to become the most powerful tribe!

    Your tribe will discover new lands and experience the seasons, with new challenges and opportunities, until the Ice Age arrives! Gradually covering the world with ice and snow until finally it covers the entire play area. The game ends once the world has frozen over and it's time to see which tribe is best prepared to survive the Ice Age. If you've managed to stockpile more food than anyone else you win and go on to enjoy a chilly but pleasant Ice Age!

    Wise Guys Board Game

    Wise Guys Board Game

    Wise Guys is a quick to learn, cut throat, area control boardgame where you play as one of four rival gangs seeking to strike it rich as ?Rum Runners? on the rough streets of Chicago at the height of the roaring 20?s.

    Each turn players wheel, deal, talk and fight to control locations where they buy and sell alcohol, help politicians get elected and get help in return or double-cross rival gangs. Negotiate, threaten and ally with rival gangs when it serves your needs, but be wary of the inevitable knife in the back?

    Over six rounds, players will take turns driving to locations in the city represented by the grid of cards at the center of the board. Different locations provide access to materials, cash or clout that the player?s gang members can ?acquire? through trade, earning profit from property within their territory or by exploiting parts of the city under the control of a rival gang. All players must maintain a certain discretion, as selling too much in one round will draw unwanted attention or else saturate the city in liquor. And your fellow mafioso won?t be too happy about lost profits.

    The gang with the most cash at the end of the game wins!