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Paranoia RPG: Brave New Missions (Pre-Order)

Paranoia RPG: Brave New Missions (Pre-Order)

You wanna play Paranoia? Congratulations! You are superior to other gamers and have great taste. You even look sharp. Yet to play Paranoia, you need missions that torture present vibrant challenges so players can kill cooperate with each other?s Troubleshooters... Oh, and maybe succeed at the mission. Where can you find several missions gathered together so you can run Paranoia until people are laughing too hard to breathe? Yep, that is this book. See? You are superior simply by reading this. In this hot little book, Paranoia GMs can find five missions, ready to go!

Paranoia RPG: Core Starter Set

Paranoia RPG: Core Starter Set

Welcome to Alpha Complex! Welcome to the ranks of the Troubleshooters! Welcome to Paranoia! As a Troubleshooter, you are a member of Alpha Complex?s most expendable elite force. Tasked with finding trouble and shooting it, you will be hunting mutants, terrorists, traitors, [CLASSIFIED], secret societies, renegade bots, and DAIVs, which are [REDACTED]. You?ll save Alpha Complex from its greatest threat, unless you accidentally become Alpha Complex?s greatest threat.

Completely rebuilt from the ground up, Paranoia is the classic RPG of a darkly humorous future, rebooted for a humorously dark present. All-new mechanics include a simple yet brilliant character-generation system, a bluffing-based card-driven combat system that encourages creativity, clever moves and lying, a special Computer Dice which means even the simplest interaction can become hilariously fatal, in-game XP point rewards, and more advice to GMs than you can shake a stick at. Three single-session adventures introduce you painlessly to the new mechanics and background, and are designed to be played straight out of the box.

Everything is the same but everything is different. You look worried, citizen. Relax! It?s still Paranoia. The year is still 214. You still have six clones and a laser pistol. The Computer is still your friend.


  • The Player's Handbook
  • The Gamesmaster's Handbook
  • The Missions Book
  • 110 Playing Cards
  • Character Cards
  • Two six-sided dice
  • The Computer Dice
  • Paranoia RPG: Disaster Deck

    Paranoia RPG: Disaster Deck

    TROUBLESHOOTERS! There are no disasters in a utopia like Alpha Complex, just happy little accidents that cause sector-wide evacuations. And with this Disaster Deck, players and GMs alike can use cards to create genuine happy accidents like: Earthquake! Discard your hand and enjoy dodging falling concrete! Gas Leak! Lose Moxie and pray your idiot teammate does not fire his laser. Lone Gunman! Did anyone use Stealth as a dump stat? You did? Oh. Teela-O Appearance! If you do not think this counts as a disaster, go to a comic con.

    Each card includes an instant effect and one that keeps happening each turn until the Disaster card is discarded. Plus, these look like normal Action cards on the back! You can have disasters queued up while everyone thinks you are just plotting against your team - when you are really plotting against EVERYONE! MWA HA HA HA!

    Paranoia RPG: Extinction-Class Incident Responses

    Paranoia RPG: Extinction-Class Incident Responses

    People who are not Infrared clearance know that R&D experiments can go pear-shaped at any time. That is tolerable for two reasons: Important citizens live outside of the blast zone and sometimes R&D makes important discoveries through failure. But there are times when an R&D experiment goes less pear-shaped and more mushroom-cloud-shaped. These are classified as extinction-class events because, to put it so a Troubleshooter can understand, they can literally destroy all of Alpha Complex, its citizens and maybe even Friend Computer!

    (Or to put it so an Infrared drone can understand, bad thing make stuff go bye bye.) At least so far, these events have been prevented thanks to the hard work and casual attitude towards casualties from service groups. This is the Extinction-class Incident Response Book. Inside, Paranoia GMs will find 15 different experiments that almost ended all that we know, love, hate, like, like-like and pretty much everything. These include: Ice-10 Water Product: Finally, water stops treasonously mutating into different forms and comes in an easy-to-store format. Just do not drink it. Seriously, don't. Mobius Temporal Loop Recruiter: Are you close to missing that deadline? Recruit versions of you from other timelines as temps! What could possibly go wrong with that? Nutritive Anti-Malware Update 2.3m7: This helps lower-clearance citizens eat what they would normally never eat to reduce food waste. Too bad food is no longer a thing. Firekelp: Instead of mining for fissile materials to use in nuclear power plants, why not grow it? Because it tastes lousy, that's why. Each comes with details on the experiment, its intended results, the actual results and some locations & NPCs. Even better, busy GMs will find a three-act mission prompt based on that experiment! Sure, GMs have to fill in the details, but the nefarious plots, nonsensical motivations and random scenes of petty violence are already there. Is this because us Famous Game Designers got lazy? Yes. But this also lets GMs craft their own custom missions full of their own personality and anti-social tendencies. Anyway, GMs customise their adventures anyway. This book makes that easier! And if your players get hold of this book... well, no one said Extinction-class events were not possible anymore.

    Paranoia RPG: Implausible Deniability

    Paranoia RPG: Implausible Deniability

    A brand new mission for Paranoia that will see the Troubleshooters investigating the food vats and coming to terms with experimental brain interface technology!


    You have been selected for an EXCITING MISSION. Your assignment is to:

  • [ ] Determine why there's a microscopic shortfall in food vat yields
  • [ ] Test experimental brain interface technology
  • [ ] Terminate terrorist mutant traitors
  • [ ] Identify and terminate saboteurs in your Troubleshooter team
  • [ ] Determine the precise temperature at which your cranial fluid boils
  • [ ] Have fun. Fun is mandatory.

    The odds of your survival can be greatly increased by:

  • [ ] Not going on the mission.
  • [ ] Deep-tissue forehead cleansing
  • [ ] Developing the mutant power to levitate down elevator shafts
  • [ ] Concealing that you have the mutant power to levitate down elevator shafts
  • [ ] Terminating your fellow Troubleshooters before they can terminate you
  • [X] Purchasing this exciting adventure
  • Paranoia RPG: Mind The Gap

    Paranoia RPG: Mind The Gap

    Why hide the existence of a black hole when you can convince everyone that it is amazing and useful (but without ever stating exactly why)? Yes, the now-famous TRK Sector black hole is perfectly safe. It is even growing bigger all the time while being really helpful with... uh, that is... well, The Computer said any negative news about it is fake, so it must be lovely! Come visit and buy some black hole merchandise, attend a pro-black hole pep rally and maybe - just maybe! - you can catch a glimpse of the singularity! (Actually, the thing has destroyed most of the sector so it is kinda easy to see.)

    Mind the Gap is a mission for Paranoia and the final one in the Project Infinite Hole campaign. You do not need to have played the three previous missions to enjoy this one since it is full of fun like raging idiots, a trip to the Outside or Underplex, black lasers and Holey the Black Hole Mascot. And at the end, the Troubleshooters can literally save the world or destroy it. Wait, really? Our continued existence depends on Troubleshooters working together for the greater good? Oh vat, we are doomed.

    Paranoia RPG: Mission Book: The Hole Blame

    Paranoia RPG: Mission Book: The Hole Blame

    R&D is in deep trouble. There is a slim but real chance The Computer will disband R&D entirely and redistribute its resources to other service groups. But you are not part of R&D, so that is not your problem, right?

    Troubleshooters! Citizens in TRK Sector report that many small items have mysteriously disappeared. This is clearly the work of that notorious thief the Small Item Bandit! (Name pending approval by the Ad-hoc Workshop for Marketable Traitor Nicknames.) That is why you have to go there, arrest the Small Item Bandit and recover what they stole. And yes, we are absolutely, 100% sure the missing items never got sucked past the event horizon of the black hole sitting right over there. On a related note, there is no black hole right over there. Understood, citizen? The Hole Blame is a mission for Paranoia and the third (of four) in the Project Infinite Hole campaign. (Owning and playing the previous missions is not required but is a rather good idea.) Players and GMs alike with love a frankenstein Briefbot, an active Public Hating Square and up to eight in-mission mini-missions that trick the team into getting Friend Computer to finally recognize that large singularity - even though not a single citizen admits that it is right over there. Hey, if no one says it exists, do you want to be the one pointing it out to Friend Computer?

    Paranoia RPG: Perfectly Safe Gear

    Paranoia RPG: Perfectly Safe Gear

    TROUBLESHOOTERS! Your trusty laser pistol is not the only piece of equipment you?ll need to fight terrorists and survive. (Well, mostly survive.) That?s why you need this Perfectly Safe Gear! Just remember that you are responsible for the care of all assigned equipment. XP Point charges may apply for wear-and-tear, theft, loss, improper use, improper handling, improper storing or destruction. (Grenades are exempt from only two of those.) Grab your equipment and get shooting trouble already!

    Paranoia RPG: Project Infinite Hole

    Paranoia RPG: Project Infinite Hole

    Troubleshooters! Do you like weird, risky experiments? (Yes!) Do you like testing devices that could leave behind a smoking crater if you use it wrong? (Uh, yes?) Do you like taking the blame for design mistakes, production errors, structural damage and enough deaths that genocide-ish is now a term? (Can I say anything other than yes? Ah, that laser pistol answered my question. Very yes!)

    Project Infinite Hole brings the wonder, broken laws of physics and lapse safety standards of Research & Design back to Paranoia! Instead of simply sending Troubleshooters to their much-deserved deaths, you can also send experimental devices with them that help their much-deserved deaths happen more often! Inside, you will find: The Happy Testing Catalogue: New Paranoia GMs will see 40 new experimental devices such as Fluffy Safety Armour and the Jaws of Death. Experienced Paranoia GMs will see many splendid ways to make players weep. With joy? Sure, why not. The GM R&D Service Book: Several fine articles explaining how to use R&D in your missions that definitely are not filler so we could charge more for this sourcebox. Need an NPC? Here they are! Need a Research & Design room? We got those! Need a way to help Troubleshooters survive? Sorry, fresh out. The R&D Mission Book: But what about those lazy GMs who want the work done for them? If they can put the imitation cheese-powdered snacks down long enough, they will find two full missions that start the Project Infinite Hole campaign! Oh, and there's a black hole destroying all you know and love (In the missions, not this sourcebox. Apparently, governments frown on selling singularities in cardboard boxes.) The R&D Deck: You want cards? Tough, here are 120 of 'em, ready to be handed out to players who think they're all clever. Watch their faces go from devilish glee to abject fright as they realise how the device can backfire. Literally. R&D stands for many things: Rebar & Dust, Radiation & Debacles or even Rannygazoo & Deprehend. (What? Famous Game Designers have good vocabularies.) But mostly, it stands for one of the most infamous Alpha Complex service groups: Research & Design. With this sourcebox, GMs have everything needed to bring R&D back into the Troubleshooters' lives. Yes, they will be grateful - or they get to test the Angry Beebots again.

    Paranoia RPG: Security Clearance Computer Dice Pack

    Paranoia RPG: Security Clearance Computer Dice Pack

    Contains 9 Security-Coded 20mm Computer Dice. Some people think the eternal question has to do with love, happiness or wisdom. They are wrong. The eternal question is 'Do I need more dice?'. And the eternal answer is, 'Yes. Yes, I do.'

    Paranoia RPG: The R And D Experimental Equipment Release Form' Pad

    Paranoia RPG: The R And D Experimental Equipment Release Form' Pad

    This is a handy pad of tearaway forms specially designed to get your Troubleshooters into the maximum amount of trouble whenever they 'accept' items to test from R&D. Double their problems immediately by holding them to account with their own words! Contains 50 forms, ready for play.

    Paranoia RPG: The RAM Deck

    Paranoia RPG: The RAM Deck

    TROUBLESHOOTERS! The Computer recently made two discoveries: Troubleshooter missions have been unusually calm and sedate. Citizens have not been receiving enough wisdom from the Computer. That?s why the Computer has decided to broadcast its wisdom to Troubleshooters while they are on a mission. These Random Access Memes will pop up at random but invariably helpful times to assist Troubleshooters just like you! When the Computer?s insights appear during a mission, you can exercise your Computer-given free will and do what you are told or get punished.

    Paranoia RPG: Thriftylist Card Deck

    Paranoia RPG: Thriftylist Card Deck

    TROUBLESHOOTERS! Wait, you want a warranty for these refurbished devices? That's cute. Thriftylist brings back some of the weirdest, deadliest and most off-putting devices from the old STUFF and STUFF 2 books as 'refurbished' items. And now you have the Equipment cards to go along with classic STUFF like the Scrubot Costume, Chainsaw Gun and Eyeshutters. Well, you have them if you go buy this. Hint.

    Paranoia RPG: Thriftylist: Refurbished Stuff

    Paranoia RPG: Thriftylist: Refurbished Stuff

    Paranoia players keep saying the same thing. 'Experimental R&D devices are great, but I wish I could get less reliable ones.' Thanks to Friend Computer's innocuous but omnipresent surveillance, R&D heard you. Finally, you can purchase or be volunteered to test used experimental devices with Thriftylist! This marketplace has everything Troubleshooters both want and fear: armour, Coretech apps, surveillance devices, weapons and miscellaneous stuff. Yes, stuff. All these items were handpicked from the previous Paranoia edition's great equipment books, STUFF and STUFF 2! And they have all been updated to this edition.

    Use your Melee skill to fire a ranged weapon with the Chainsaw Gun! Roll Mechanics to see if you notice how your Invis-Suit has not made you invisible! Quickly heal teammates (and remove those NODE penalties) with the NuFlesh First Aid Pistol! Argue with Violence to get your Smart Laser Pistol to actually fire! As with all experimental devices in this edition, you get effects for when players roll well or purposefully sabotage the mission because they are really terrorists who hate R&D, Alpha Complex and The Computer. You also get new rules for refurbished equipment that is either Like New, Very Good, Still Pretty Good or What a Deal! The best of STUFF and STUFF 2 is here at your fingertips. Now, how many Scrubot Costumes can we put you down for?

    Paranoia RPG: Truth or Dare

    Paranoia RPG: Truth or Dare

    There are times when terminating traitors needs to be obvious and recorded for entertainment. Then there are rare cases where terminations need to be subtle and understated. Are these cases rare because the Computer wants citizens to witness the price of treason or because Troubleshooters are about as subtle as a docbot with a bloody chainsaw?

    Truth or Dare is a mission for the the Paranoia RPG. Here, Troubleshooters will be taught how to infiltrate a secret society without letting on that they are Troubleshooters. When that fails, they will enjoy painful Coretech upgrades, an underground punk concert, candy-coated death traps, an extremely annoying NPC that just will not go way and so many mission updates that even us Famous Game Designers got lost while writing this. Question: Is treason committed while undercover still treason? Answer: We will see.

    Paranoia RPG: Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues (Remastered)

    Paranoia RPG: Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues (Remastered)

    The original Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues ? revised, updated? Remastered! One of the most famous missions in Troubleshooter history has returned to enhance the lives of a new generation of clones. Once more Troubleshooters can pursue the elusive Black Box, explore Outdoors, and bring peace and security to Alpha Complex.

    We can?t tell you what this adventure is about (except that lots of confused and desperate people are killing each other over a mysterious Black Box), but we can tell you what it (the mission, we mean, not the box). This set contains: Track 1: Bop ?til You Drop. Track 2: I Was a Mutant for the FBI. Track 3: No-One Gets Out of Here Alive. Track 4: Why Don?t We Do It In The Road. 8 Unique Equipment Cards. 8 New Action Cards. 3 Two-Sided Map Cards. Why worry when we can Rock?

    Traveller RPG: Behind The Claw (Pre-Order)

    Traveller RPG: Behind The Claw (Pre-Order)

    Behind the Claw presents two complete sectors of Imperial space; Deneb and the Spinward Marches. Deneb is bordered by the Vargr Extents and the Great Rift, and has traditionally seen fierce rivalry between its powerful dukes. A long history of compromises and temporary deals has created a fragmented political situation ripe for exploitation by those with the wit and the will? and there is always the threat of corsairs from over the border.

    The Spinward Marches is a border region, caught between the Aslan Hierate and Zhodani Consulate, with the tumultuous politics of Deneb at its back. It is the gateway to the Imperial frontiers and the crossroads of internal and external politics. Adventure opportunities abound between the frontier worlds of the Marches and the trade hubs of Deneb. Far from the Imperial Core, fortune awaits the bold and disaster lurks for the unwary Traveller.

    Includes a huge double-sided poster map of both the Spinward Marches and Deneb sectors.

    Traveller RPG: Central Supply Catalogue (On Order)

    Traveller RPG: Central Supply Catalogue (On Order)

    Welcome to the Central Supply Catalogue! This book contains a variety of equipment Travellers might want, need, or wish they had as they cross the galaxy.

    From diversions during jump travel to orbital defence lasers, from survival habitats to the latest in personal protection, the Central Supply Catalogue has combed the galaxy for items suited to the most discerning Traveller. With the contents of this book, you will have everything needed to entertain the local ambassador, survive a month in the wilderness, or wage a sector-wide war.

    The Central Supply Catalogue also contains rules to bring Robots into your campaigns, an availability system to ensure Travellers have to work to find the more exotic items, and new weapon traits that bring truly lethal firepower to adventures.

    The Central Supply Catalogue. Don?t leave the starport without it.

    Traveller RPG: Companion

    Traveller RPG: Companion

    The Traveller Comnpanion is here... This book is a toolkit for Traveller campaigns, allowing referees and Travellers to pick and choose the best additions for their adventures and explore the galaxy in greater detail than before. From alternate Traveller creation systems and training to gas giant operations and starports, from the effects of gravity and diseases to animal encounters on alien worlds and the use of transponders, there is a wealth of new rules-based material for all Traveller campaigns, ready to be unleashed on every new world, every starship, and every group of Travellers.

    Traveller RPG: Core Rulebook 2022 Revision

    Traveller RPG: Core Rulebook 2022 Revision

    This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone... Mayday, Mayday... We are under attack... Main drive is gone... Turret number one not responding... Mayday... Losing cabin pressure fast, calling anyone... Please help... This is Free Trader Beowulf... Mayday! Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of bold explorers and brave adventurers. The Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022 contains everything you need to create one of these adventures and begin exploring the galaxy.

    Spaceports, ancient civilisations, air/rafts, cold steel blades, laser carbines, far distant worlds, and exotic alien beasts - this is the futuristic universe of Traveller, the original and classic science fiction roleplaying game. Come visit the far future. The Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022 has been fully revised for this edition and contains many tweaks and rules updates, as well as a brand new, highest quality interior format with lashings of top tier art to immerse you in the far future.

    Traveller RPG: Explorers Edition

    Traveller RPG: Explorers Edition

    The Explorer?s Edition provides all core game rules for Traveller, plus a universe creation system that allows referees to create new star systems on the fly for their players to visit and explore?

    Traveller RPG: Field Catalogue

    Traveller RPG: Field Catalogue

    The Field Catalogue presents a selection of weaponry and equipment to suit all budgets and requirements, from handguns to grav tanks, from boots to starships. Also included is a weapon design system that puts custom firepower in the hands of your mercenaries.

    Traveller RPG: Mercenary Box Set

    Traveller RPG: Mercenary Box Set

    Mercenary presents everything you need for raising and equipping a mercenary force, training your troops and finding the best ? or maybe just the cheapest ? hardware on the market.

    Lead your forces into battle in a brand new style of campaign for Traveller!

    Traveller RPG: Robot Handbook

    Traveller RPG: Robot Handbook

    The Robot Handbook is designed to be both quick and easy to use, and configurable to customise all aspects of a robot?s functions, capabilities and skills; a standard robot can be built in just a few minutes. The Robot Handbook also includes rules for making nanorobots and microrobots, androids, clones, biological robots and brains for both vehicles and spacecraft. And what is a cybernetic limb but a robot part? The Robot Handbook covers everything from a cybernetic arm to a whole mechanical body with a live brain inside.

    Traveller RPG: Specialist Forces

    Traveller RPG: Specialist Forces

    Specialist Forces presents information on military experts, along with rules governing their functions and equipment for their use. It also covers the operations of specialist formations ranging from armoured infantry to security formations and intelligence commandos.

    Traveller RPG: The Pirates Of Drinax (On Order)

    Traveller RPG: The Pirates Of Drinax (On Order)

    In the Pirates of Drinax, the Travellers play a band of adventurers entrusted by the King of Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on ?illegal? trade within the borders of the vanished kingdom. The King hopes this piracy will give him the leverage he needs to restore Drinax to its former glory, and intends for the Travellers to win back all the planets lost over the last two centuries ? but the King?s plans are just the starting point for this campaign.

    Once the Travellers have their letter of marque and ship, it?s up to them what to do next. Will they stay loyal to their patron and help restore Drinax? Will they turn rogue and create their own kingdom? Will they be heroes or monsters, pirates or privateers? Will they make their fortune amid the pitiless stars, or will the cold depths of the Trojan Reach be their grave?

    The Pirates if Drinax comes in an attractive slipcase, with three hardbacks and a poster: Book 1: The Pirates of Drinax Campaign, Book 2: The Trojan Reach, Book 3: Ships of the Reach, and a giant 28? x 40? double-sided poster map. The three hardback books that form The Pirates of Drinax contain a full campaign, the Trojan Reach sector, rules and source material introducing the ferocious but noble Aslan, and many new ships unique to the Reach, along with a giant poster map featuring the Trojan Reach sector, the Floating Palace of Drinax, and the Harrier-class commerce raider. The Pirates of Drinax truly has everything you need to run an action-packed Traveller campaign.

    Traveller RPG: Utility Pack (Pre-Order)

    Traveller RPG: Utility Pack (Pre-Order)

    Keep your game looking crisp with two 50-sheet pads of full colour character sheets and subsector maps. Each character sheet can be folded into 4-page booklet that keeps your most pertinent details front and centre while also forming a handy pocket for adventure handouts. The blank subsector maps allow you to explore the unfathomable depths of uncharted space, creating your own unique universe as you go.

    Traveller RPG: Vehicle Handbook

    Traveller RPG: Vehicle Handbook

    Universes of science fiction are filled with vehicles ranging from the mundane to the exotic. A starport on a world far beyond the frontier may see a mix of pedal-powered rickshaws, horse-drawn wagons and anti-grav skimmers. A high-tech centralised and industrial world will have skies filled with the anti-grav equivalent of cars, trucks and buses, while its military will be able to deploy armoured tanks who can withstand bombardment from spacecraft in orbit above them. All of these, and many more, can be created with the Vehicle Handbook.

    The Vehicle Handbook has been designed to be quick and easy to use, whether your Travellers are looking to quickly upgrade or modify their humble air/raft, or construct a massive battle-ready walker armed with city-crushing weaponry from scratch. Even a large, multi-turreted super-heavy battle tank will not take much longer than five minutes? work.

    The Vehicle Handbook comes complete with an immense catalogue filled with vehicles built using this system, allowing you to dive straight in and begin populating your worlds with vehicles the Travellers can ride, purchase and fight against.