55 tarot-sized item cards with gorgeous, unique illustration on the front, and balanced, 5e mechanics on the reverse.
These are fully compatible with the Harvesting and Crafting system in Heliana's Guide. Every magic item and familiar harvestable and craftable from the following monsters can be found in this deck:
55 tarot-sized item cards with gorgeous, unique illustration on the front, and balanced, 5e mechanics on the reverse.
These are fully compatible with the Harvesting and Crafting system in Heliana's Guide. Every magic item and familiar harvestable and craftable from the following monsters can be found in this deck:
This pack contains the magic items that can be found in the treasure hoards of the boss monsters in Heliana's Guide, as well as all the unique magical meals craftable form each boss monster, and all the magic items and familiar of the bonus hunt stretch goal, Hare Raising.
L'Arsene's Crafting Catalogue decants the Harvesting, Crafting, and Cooking rules introduced in Heliana's Guide into this 92-page softcover manual.
It's ideal for a GM to hand to their players, so they can plan their post-combat harvesting and crafting, without the GM needing to hand over their copy of Heliana's Guide. It also features the stretch goal familiars from the campaign!