DCORUM is a cooperative, hidden information game where you and your partner share the same objective: decorate your home in a way that makes you both happy.
The problem is, different things make each of you happy and nobody says exactly what they need.
Can you find a happy compromise, or is it time to move out?!
Boxes, Bubble-wrap, and Barely Communicating. You and your partner have mastered moving in together. You're totally fulfilled! But wait - Now you have to move out!? How will your relationship hold up when the moving van runs out of room for all your precious curios?! When your smart car can't carry your boxes, your partner will surely pack them for you... right?? Let's get movin'! Play through 20 unique scenarios, as you wrestle with the best ways to persuade... erm, agree... on which vehicle to pack your lamps and antiques in.
The Movin' Out expansion introduces new challenges, including moving boxes, bubble wrap, and vehicles! Explore how best to wrap your breakables, what goes on top of the car instead of in it, and of course, what stays in the house while you move out!
You've prepared your whole life for this. Every movie you've seen, every show you've watched, every song you've listened to, every place you've visited, every book you've read, every kind of food you've eaten, and every person you've ever heard of makes you better at this game. It's finally time to get credit for everything you already know!
In Everything Ever, you and your friends take turns listing things from categories like "Every Dinosaur Movie" or "Every Brand of Soap". Two category cards are in play, and on your turn, you must say something that fits in one category and something that fits in the other, with both of those somethings not having been said previously. If you can't think of something, you can play a category card from the three in your hand to cover the one you're blanking on, then name something from that new category. If you can't think of something for a category, you must take that pile as a penalty, then flip a new category from the deck. If you say something that fits both categories at the same time, you can either discard one of your penalty cards or draw a new category card from the deck, then play a third category card to the table. (Once someone is penalized, drop back to two categories.) Keep your friends' iffy answers in check with judge cards, and win by collecting the fewest cards once the deck runs out.
Is your relationship too comfortable or are you just unable to anywhere else?
Love on Lockdown is an expansion to the critically acclaimed, Fog of Love board game. Love on Lockdown tells the story of a couple who find themselves locked inside together for months on end with nothing to do. (How did we ever come up with this idea!?)
While on lock-down, you'll have more to manage than most couples - like your boredom and how reckless you're acting about the Threat. Coping with cabin fever will make or break the relationship - if you can even keep it up that long to begin with!
In HOLI: Festival of Colors, players gather to celebrate the end of winter as they spread colorful powder on each other, dancing and celebrating new beginnings.
Mechanisms & Features
The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and you know just what to do - gather your friends to fly some kites!
In Kites, everyone works together to keep all their kites ? represented by colorful sand timers ? in the air. Take turns playing cards, flipping the sand timers, and coordinating with other players to ensure none of the timers run out. If it does, a kite has crashed!
Play all of the kite cards in the deck and everybody wins!
Landmarks is a word game of hidden paths and clever clues. Your party is lost deep in an island jungle, relying on you to guide them to safety and treasure! In this jungle, every word matters. Use strategic wordplay to send a chain of one-word clues. The connections between them will create a path leading to fortune and glory.
Sagrada: Artisans is a legacy game take on the stained glass window game Sagrada. Players will compete as rival families of stained glass artisans, who work on the Sagrada Familia's windows over the course of generations. Players will gain powerful new abilities over the course of the campaign along with brand new tools. Other gameplay details about the new game are relatively sparse, but the game involves a spiral notebook and colored pencils instead traditional game boards.
Artisan: I am honored to invite you back to join the finest workers in Spain as we construct the greatest architectural achievement of our age, again!
Will your family's stained-glass legacy stand the test of time? In Sagrada Artisans you'll compete as rival families, each chronicling your construction of the cathedral's windows over a campaign spanning generations.
This Campaign Reset Kit provides everything you'll need to play through the Sagrada Artisans legacy campaign a second time. This is not a stand-alone product and is meant as a supplement for Sagrada Artisans.
Return to the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral in Glory, the third and final of the Great Facades expansions. This modular expansion explores the thrill of competition and rivalry - add everything inside or handpick modules to enhance your crafting experience. Pioneer Cards reward the player who is first to achieve an objective. Draft all new Strife Dice while meeting their special placement restrictions, earn prestige for adding your unique style with the Flourish Module, and best your opponents with new Rivalry Objectives. Will your stained-glass window be a true masterpiece?
Return to the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral in Sagrada: Life, the second of the three Great Facades expansions. This modular expansion explores the journey of life - through hardships and helpers - add everything inside or handpick modules to enhance your crafting experience.
Sagrada: Life introduces new challenges to test your artisanal skills. Gain helpful abilities through apprentice cards, draft masterwork dice to gain prestige for tackling tricky new restrictions, and reap the rewards of rising to the challenge of toil public objectives. Will your stained glass window be a true masterpiece?
Named after the Sagrada-Familia facades, Sagrada: The Great Facades is a series of expansions to be released in three parts: Passion, Life, and Glory. Each part of the expansion contains modules of content that players can add individually or together to their games of Sagrada. Sagrada: Passion introduces inspiration cards, rare glass dice and cards, rare glass private objectives, and symmetry public objectives.
Mage Academy is closed for the summer. On the last day, you stumbled upon a tantalizing (and definitely dangerous) book: Magical Recreational Aerial Explosive Devices and You, Volume I. Magic fireworks? Yes, please. In Skyrockets, players take turns to play cards and flip the matching sand timers (your fireworks) without letting any run out. Do this all while advancing along the Countdown Track to win. Work together to complete 10 Festivals (30 total events, each a unique challenge) and keep the show running in real time to amaze the crowd with your awe-inspiring displays. With one training session under your belt (and this new book), what could go wrong?!
Every stick is a sword. Every bike is a steed. Every memory is a possibility.
In Vivid Memories, you'll take turns collecting fragments of childhood memories, weaving a tapestry of colored threads in your mind. Throughout your journey, you'll store important moments in your memory bank -- gaining new abilities to help you score.
Cleverly create connections and earn rewards for completing core memories, matching the imagination behind each moment, and working toward your lifelong aspirations for victory.
During the game, players take turns collecting fragments of memories from moment tiles, placing them in their "brain" board to weave a tapestry of colored threads. Using abilities at the end of each round to cleverly create connections, players are rewarded for how they store memory fragments while working toward completing 'core memories', which give repeated benefits each round. Through their journey, players store important moments in their memory bank -- gaining new abilities and new opportunities to score -- all while working to collect fragments and moments that match what they aspire to be.