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Cthulhu Parlour RPG: Hotel Lovecraft (Hardback)

Cthulhu Parlour RPG: Hotel Lovecraft (Hardback)

Hotel Lovecraft enables you to create a terrifying and unsettling experience in the comfort of your own home. Based on the works of the master of cosmic horror H.P. Lovecraft, it blends roleplaying, adventure gamebooks and audio horror theatre into a hybrid entertainment.

In a darkened candlelit room or even over the internet via video chat, you will take your guests on a journey through a world of twisted nightmares and reality-bending encounters.

?Each room has its own specially designed soundscape and narration, once entered you will be given four choices, from which you must choose before you are allowed to descend further. The HOST will tell them of the results and elaborate upon the story to bring the players deeper into the adventure.

A player will start on the top floor of 'Hotel Lovecraft'. Play or read the Acts in order, before the player can start opening each door to the floor. They must open all but one of the doors on each floor before the lift will allow them to move to the next level. They can if they wish to revisit a floor, once they have activated the lift.

Players will start with full HEALTH and Zero MADNESS. If the players lose all their HEALTH or REALITY points, the game ends for them.

Dracodeep Dungeon RPG (Hardback)

Dracodeep Dungeon RPG (Hardback)

Enter the world of Dragons, Vampires, Wizards, Arthurian myths and Greek Myths.

The StoryMaster's Tales has been created to be a quick, easy and fun way of experiencing role-playing without the problem of learning lots of rules or owning numerous books and miniatures. The emphasis is on adventure and storytelling.

Anyone can play, Kids, Adults, Teens, and anyone can be the StoryMaster, as long as they can read aloud and have an hour or three to spare. Children who love adventures will love this!

Includes 50 Narrated Soundscapes to make it even more theatrical and exciting!

Threatlore Town RPG (Hardback)

Threatlore Town RPG (Hardback)

Enter the world of Pirates, Wizards, Strange Shops, Thieves, and Monsters!

The StoryMaster's Tales has been created to be a quick, easy and fun way of experiencing role-playing without the problem of learning lots of rules or owning numerous books and miniatures. The emphasis is on adventure and storytelling.

Anyone can play, Kids, Adults, Teens, and anyone can be the StoryMaster, as long as they can read aloud and have an hour or three to spare. Children who love adventures will love this!

Includes 51 Narrated Soundscapes to make it even more theatrical and exciting!

Tome Of Terror RPG: Transylvania (Hardback)

Tome Of Terror RPG: Transylvania (Hardback)

Enter the world of Vampires, Werewolves, Castles, and Monsters!

The StoryMaster's Tales has been created to be a quick, easy and fun way of experiencing role-playing without the problem of learning lots of rules or owning numerous books and miniatures. The emphasis is on adventure and storytelling.

Anyone can play, Kids, Adults, Teens, and anyone can be the StoryMaster, as long as they can read aloud and have an hour or three to spare. Children who love adventures will love this!

Includes 55 Narrated Soundscapes to make it even more theatrical and exciting!

Wierding Woods RPG (Hardback)

Wierding Woods RPG (Hardback)

The StoryMaster's Tales has been created to be a quick, easy and fun way of experiencing role-playing without the problem of learning lots of rules or owning numerous books and miniatures. The emphasis is on adventure and storytelling.

Anyone can play, Kids, Adults, Teens, and anyone can be the StoryMaster, as long as they can read aloud and have an hour or three to spare. Children who love adventures will love this!

This new version of the StoryMaster's Tales 'Weirding Woods', has been released two years since the first edition came out. We have expanded some of the areas, results, added some extra classes, quests, and added advanced rules for you.

Includes 50 Narrated Soundscapes to make it even more theatrical and exciting!